The year was 2009!
By then I had met many interesting people who saw, felt and knew something that the majority did not understand or maybe did not want to. The experiences of these people and my knowledge of the existance of the invisible world had led me to the idea of sharing this all with others. That is how I began organizing meetings in Tartu, Küütri 14, which could accommodate a maximum of 40 people. We had Tiit Teras, Mai-Agate Väljataga, Igor Volke and many others to share their knowledge there.
I had also been to the Harmony Days in Tallinn. That's where the dream of organizing something big in Tartu began. Recently, in Rein Weber's camp, I had met Kalju Paldis and Enn Parve. Enn drew the logo for Helisev Sõnum and wrote poems that inspired me to create music. Kalju was a positive supporter and encourager, with whom we set up the very first STP plan.
When August of 2009 came to an end, we went to the first advertisement agency that we came across, which was Valge Karu in Võru. Mari, the bright-eyed employee quickly found a file with a heart, designed it and it became our base for our event poster.
The principal of Mart Reiniku School, who at that time was Toomas Samm, agreed to rent us the school premises. We haven't had any problems with the current principal. He has approached the topics skeptically, but also benevolently. The visitors of STP have always been decent. Just once someone got carried away while burning incence, so the smoke detector went off and there were some nights not everyone got out of the school on time! A big thanks to that lovely school and the helpers there!
The evening before the first Südame Tarkuse Päevad we went to the school to lift chairs and tables into the hall and set the rooms. First time is still the first time, you never know what goes where, why :) ! We were still writing signs for the tables and assembling sets for the exponents at night, the girls were making big schedule signs for the doors. It was a very late night, we didn't get much sleep. Everything was fine in the morning: tables, chairs had found their places, classrooms were in order. People could come in. First exponents with their goods, first guests. There were lots of things that didn't even cross our minds, like taking photos of the event or if you haven't ever spoken in front of the great hall, then you probably should read your speech out loud even just once. Not that there is a long text in front of you with all kinds of good thoughts, but speaking uncertainly makes the tongue stick to the roof of the mouth and suddenly it feels like if you don't get some water right now, you won't ever make another beep!
In the first year, the main speakers were: Lille Lindmäe, Mai-Agate Väljataga, Reet
Priiman, Viljo Viljasoo, Kalju Paldis. Everything went smoothly and people were pleased. There were lots of thank-yous. By night a sense of satisfaction overwhelmed the senses. We did it! Naturally, there was an immediate knowledge, that this will become a tradition!
By now, we have met 10 times in Mart Reinik School. Still with lectures, practices, jewelry, aura images, books, counceling, etc. So who has performed in the great hall during this time?
Mai-Agate Väljataga, Lille Lindmäe, Reet Priiman, Kalju Paldis, Fred Jüssi, Einar Laigna, Ingvar Villido, Ralf Neemlaid, Irje Karjus, Moses Maimon, Tõnu Talimaa, Peeter Liiv, Errol Vares, Rene Bürkland, Raho Langsepp, Zhang Shangmin, Olga Nefedova, Teresa Mängel, Urve Kaaristu, Kristel Treier, Arvo Soomets, Kaido Pajumaa, Alar Krautman, Igor Mang, Viljo Viljasoo, Aigar Säde, Kaia-Kaire Hunt,Taimi Uuesoo, Kreet Rosin, Silvia Kelle, Peep Sõber, Kaia-Liisa Reinut, Jüri Lina, Almer jansu, Heiki Eesmaa, Hindrek Vou, Riina Raudsik, Liis Orav, Harald Lepisk, Alexis Varnum, Aji, Adik Levin, Andrzey Kuczynski, Helve Huttunen, Nastja, Epp Kärsin, Inga Rämson, Stephen Osono.
Musicians and dancers, Jagaspace, Healing sounds, Margus Mitt, Margus Prangel, didgeridoos ja hoom songs, Indian dancing, dances of five rythms, gongs, Tom Valsberg, Lea Liitmaa and others!
Further translation is still a work in progress!Südame Tarkuse Päevade puhul on tähelepanuväärne, et nende aastate jooksul on suures saalis päris ära jäänud vaid üks loeng! Ja seegi on huvitav, et seda küllaltki suurt sündmust on siiamaani korraldatud ilma sponsoritelt abi palumata.
Kõik aastad on olnud erinevad ja omamoodi erilised. Eredalt on meelde jäänud aasta 2012, kui toimus koolimaja renoveerimine ning kogu maja oli justkui pakitud kilesse ja ümbritsetud tellingutega. Vahepeal viibis mõni töömeeski akna taga. Aga õhkkond oli niivõrd sõbralik ja mõistev, et esialgne muremõte "mis nüüd küll saab?", lahtus peagi. Tulles tagasi algusaastate juurde, oli meil ka üks külm nädalavahetus. Nimelt oli küte välja lülitatud ja väljas oli päris külm. Aga kõik olid väga kannatlikud ja leplikud!
Sügiseti on mõned huvilised koolimaja uksest sisse astunud ja küsinud: „Kas sel aastal ikka need südamepäevad toimuvad?
aastal puhkes meedias diskussioon: "Kas sellise sündmuse koht on ikka
koolis?" Et direktor ei peaks enam ajakirjanike survet taluma, oli üheks
põhjuseks, miks otsustasime asukohta muuta. Nüüd siis kaasaegne,
väärikas, valgusküllane ja natuke isegi pidulik koht meie sündmusele, ja seda täiesti linna südames, bussijaamast vaid paari
sammu kaugusel! Ilusa ilmaga saab isegi terrassil jalutada!
Olen väga tänulik Liisile, Triinule, Maarjale, Hannesele, Peetrile, kõikidele heasoovlikele sõpradele, lektoritele, eksponentidele, muusikutele, tantsijatele, külastajatele, nähtavale ja nähtamatule maailmale! Ainult teiega koos on see kõik saanud võimalikuks ja saab jätkuda!
Uute kohtumisteni!